EMF Protection & Information

EMF Protection Information

EMF Protection is easily overlooked still . I am going to ask you to take a look at information , as well as the risks that are hard to ignore. Ask yourself – What is EMF, and am I protected? Do I need to be Protected ? IS exposure a real issue ? You need to take the information and decide for yourself – but I am going to say, as for Me and Mine- its a HUGE issue . Its Real for US . I would rather have EMF Protection, and I not ” need ” it , than to need it , and not have it .

( My opinion- we ALL need it , and its only going to be a growing concern) I will also give you the ways you may want to protect you and your loved ones as needed . EMF Protection & Information is here- bookmark this to be able to come back to it often.

Types of EMF exposure & Why EMF Protection

Radiation exists across what’s called the “Electromagnetic spectrum”. This type of radiation ranges from very high-energy (which is called high-frequency) on one end of the spectrum, to very low-energy (or low-frequency) on the other end of the spectrum. And theres things that fall between as well.

Examples of high-energy radiation include ( not limited to ) :

  • x-rays
  • gamma rays
  • some higher-energy ultraviolet (UV) rays

This is Ionizing Radiation, meaning this type of energy can affect cells on the atomic level by removing an electron from an atom, or “ionizing” it. Ionizing radiation can damage the body’s DNA and cells, which may contribute to genetic mutations and cancer.

On the opposite, or other end of the spectrum there is extremely low-frequency (ELF) radiation. This is a type of non-ionizing radiation. It can move atoms around in the body or make them vibrate, but SOME researchers agree that it isn’t enough to damage DNA or cells. ( Some say yes, some say no )

In between ELF radiation and high-energy radiation on the spectrum are other types of non-ionizing radiation, like:

  • radiofrequency (RF) radiation
  • visible light
  • infrared

Electric and magnetic fields join as one field in most forms of radiation. The result is called an electromagnetic field (EMF).

But the electric and magnetic fields in ELF radiation can act independently. So we use the terms “magnetic field” and “electric field” to refer to these two different fields in ELF radiation.

In summary, here are the two types of EMFs that you might be exposed to:

  • High-frequency EMFs. This is the ionizing type of radiation. Scientific literature agrees that large exposures can damage DNA or cells
  • Claimed Trusted Source
  • . Medical devices like X-ray imaging machines and CT scans produce low levels of this type of radiation. Other sources include Gamma Radiation from radioactive elements and UV radiation from either tanning beds or the sun.
  • Low- to mid-frequency EMFs. This is the non-ionizing type of radiation. It’s mild and thought to be harmless to people. Household appliances, we have many ( think about them all added up in your home ) like microwave ovens, cellphones, hair dryers, and washing machines, as well as power lines and MRIs, produce this type of radiation. This category of EMFs includes extremely low frequency EMFs (ELF-EMFs) and radiofrequency EMFs (RF-EMFs).

Non-ionizing EMFs come from both natural and human-made sources. The earth’s magnetic field is an example of a natural EMF. Human-made EMFs are classified into two types, both generated by non-ionizing radiation:

  • Extremely low-frequency EMFs (ELF-EMFs). This non-ionizing radiation field can be generated by a variety of sources, including power lines, electrical wiring, and personal appliances like electric shavers, hair dryers, and electric blankets.
  • Radiofrequency radiation. This non-ionizing radiation field is emitted from wireless devices, like cell phones, smart meters, tablets, and laptop computers. It’s also generated by radio and television signals, radar, satellite stations, and MRI machines.

Research on Harmfulness– (EMF Protection could be needed! )

( I dont think theres enough research yet )

There’s disagreement in scientific literature over whether EMFs pose a danger to human health and, if there is a danger, how much. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified non-ionizing EMFs in the radiofrequency range as Group 2B, a possible human carcinogen. These fields are produced by electronic products like cellphones, smart devices, and tablets.

Possible symptoms related to EMFs in the studies included:

  • headache
  • tremor
  • dizziness
  • memory loss
  • loss of concentration
  • sleep disturbance

Still, some research gives tentative support to EMF symptomatology. Here are symptoms that some studies have suggested:

  • sleep disturbances, including insomnia
  • headache
  • depression and depressive symptoms
  • tiredness and fatigue
  • dysesthesia (a painful, often itchy sensation)
  • lack of concentration
  • changes in memory
  • dizziness
  • irritability
  • loss of appetite and weight loss
  • restlessness and anxiety
  • nausea
  • skin burning and tingling

The EMF strength around appliances diminishes rapidly with distance. At 1 foot, the magnetic fields surrounding most household appliances are more than 100 times lower than the limit in the ICNERP guidelines for the general public. Once again raising the question on EMF Protection.

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 SUGGESTIONS BASED ON THIS —— ( Suggestions , are , in fact- EMF Protection ! )

  • Don’t sit or linger near appliances. One of the best ways to avoid EMF exposure in your home is to keep your distance from appliances. You need to get up close to turn on the television, open the fridge or microwave, and load the washing machine.” Just keep these close encounters short, and don’t sit next to appliances — or allow your kids to.” they say.
  • Put your phone down. Especially when you aren’t using the phone, place it away from you. At night when you sleep, put it in another room.
  • Use the speaker function or earbuds with your phone. This will reduce RF exposure to your head. Earpieces do generate and emit fields, but not nearly as much as your phone. Using earpieces or speakerphone, you can greatly reduce exposure to your head.
  • Don’t carry your phone in a pocket. Try to carry your phone in a bag or briefcase when you’re out.
  • Unplug occasionally from electronic devices and electricity. Take a day off from electronics, or even several days. Your body will thank you!
EMF and Health


5 “Potential Dangers” of Continuous EMF Exposure

You might sleep with your smartphone next to your bed. ( DONT DO THAT ANYMORE ) Maybe your workplace is equipped with high-speed G Wi-Fi. Your house might have a smart meter instead of a standard analog electrical box. We’re exposed to significantly greater amounts of low- and extremely-low-frequency EMFs than we were even 20 years ago.

Here’s a quick overview of some of the research showing associations between EMF exposure and adverse health outcomes.


Let’s start with most controversial question: Do cell phones cause brain cancer? Because of the brain’s high metabolic rate, it is more prone to oxidative damage (which EMFs may cause) compared to other organs. (17) Several papers (This was published as part of the Hardell group of studies in Sweden) found an increased risk for brain cancer in people who used cell phones, particularly on the same side of the head that the phone was used on. (18, 19, 20, 21) Another long-term epidemiological study also supported a connection between cell phones and brain cancer. (22) In contrast, the INTERPHONE study, which spanned 13 countries, found no association between cell phone use and brain cancer, except in the case of very high cell phone use. (23, 24) ( Lets ask, Define High use please – dont we all ? )

The case isn’t closed, but based on these findings, it makes sense to limit the length of cell phone calls and avoid keeping your phone on your person (i.e., in a pocket or “wearing” it) when not in use. ( Once again, studies and research are giving reason to use EMF Protection )

In doing my own research , I found other people that had done research too, and that i referenced here as you can see . These are all things YOU can research yourself to come to your own conclusion.

Neuropsychiatric Effects

Neurons have the highest density of VGCCs of all human cell types, which means the brain may be extra susceptible to EMF effects. (25) In animal studies, EMF exposure induced damaged neurons, brain structure changes, cognitive impairment, and brain inflammation. (26, 27, 28)

Over two dozen epidemiological and observational studies have related neuropsychiatric effects—including headache, fatigue, insomnia, impaired sensation, irritability, lack of concentration, and depressive mood—to EMF exposure from things like living near a cell tower, high cell phone usage, having a smart meter, and occupational exposure. (29) ( Be sure to see ways to help later on this page)

Thyroid Issues

An estimated 20 million Americans suffer from a thyroid disorder. (30) The release of non-steroid hormones, including thyroid hormones, depends on voltage-gated calcium channels, which can be disrupted by low-frequency EMFs. In rodents, both Wi-Fi and cell phone frequencies altered levels of TSH, T3, and T4 in exposed mice compared to control mice. (31, 32) A couple of observational studies have found that more time spent on mobile phones correlated with increased levels of TSH and lower levels of T3 and T4. (33, 34, 35) One interesting study compared computer workers to people whose occupations weren’t centered around computer usage. (36) The authors reported lower TSH, T3, and T4 in the computer workers and also reported that zinc supplementation addressed some of these changes. Zinc, along with selenium and iodine, supports thyroid function. (37)

Fertility Problems

Almost one in eight couples will experience some degree of infertility in their lifetime. (38) Men are often told to keep laptops off their laps to prevent overheating and damaging a sensitive area, but it appears that EMFs may induce non-thermal, harmful effects on male fertility. After exposure to cell phone radiation, human semen had higher levels of oxidation, as well as decreased sperm motility and viability. (39, 40) Likewise, men who attended an infertility clinic and who reported frequent cell phone usage had lower sperm count, motility, and variability. (41) EMF exposure has also been correlated with sperm DNA damage, lower testosterone, erectile dysfunction, and abnormal sperm structure in rodents and humans. (42, 43, 44, 45)

Sleep Disruption

Several studies have indicated that cell phone, Wi-Fi, and other EMF exposure can lower melatonin levels in rats and humans, thereby disrupting circadian rhythm and sleep. (46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51) However, other studies have shown EMFs to have no effect on melatonin, or even to increase it. (52, 53) Whether or not EMFs play a role, electronics are not conducive to healthy sleep because of the blue light they emit and because they are distractions. Turn them off—or better yet, don’t even bring them into the bedroom. ( I know a great help with sleep – and safe , not to mention no groggy feeling – here )

How to Reduce EMF Exposure ( More suggestions they say )

The evidence against EMFs isn’t overwhelming, but it shouldn’t be entirely ignored. While I don’t believe EMF exposure is a root cause of every modern disease, for some people it could be a contributing factor.

EMF Protection

Here’s another way to look at it: EMFs from cell phones, high-voltage power lines, Wi-Fi, and other electronics could be considered another modern environmental toxin and therefore a contributor to oxidative stress. As I’ve said before, you should lower your risk where you can.

Consider the following tips:

Realize that Children May Be Extra Susceptible to EMFs

Babies, small children, and young people have thinner skin and bones and higher water content in their tissues, which might concentrate the effects of EMFs in their bodies compared to fully grown adults. (54, 55) A few studies have found disturbing connections between childhood cancer and close proximity to radio stations, high-voltage power lines, and high-EMF environments. (56, 57, 58, 59)

More Suggestions to limit ” Possible Risk ”

Increase the Distance between Your Phone and Body

Due to the nature of the fields, EMF exposure rapidly decreases as distance from a cell phone increases. Keep it in another room and limit your usage. Don’t tuck it in your pocket—especially not in your front pants pocket if you’re male. For long calls, use speakerphone, earbuds, or even a Bluetooth headset or earpiece (but don’t wear it all day). At night, keep the phone off the night table, or, better yet, shut it down and put it in another room.

Don’t Use Your Phone When the Signal Is Weak

When only a bar or two shows on the screen, the phone is emitting higher levels of radio frequencies to compensate. Wait to make your call until the signal improves. Likewise, don’t make calls in a moving car, bus, or train.

Shut Down Your Wi-Fi Router at Night

This is easily achieved using a 24-hour mechanical timer.

Avoid High-Voltage Power Lines

Don’t buy a house or rent an apartment right next to 10,000-volt power lines, especially if you have or plan to have kids.

Rethink Your “Smart” Home

The more devices that are connected to your Wi-Fi or cellular network, the more EMF exposure your family is going to have. Ditch the “smart home” devices that can lock the door or start the oven. Decline having a smart meter installed by the electric company.

EMF Protection-What can we do to Help Ourselves?

I do a lot of ” research ” of my own. Im a Mom, a Grandma, a nurse for 15 years etc . I dont take others words for it when it comes to my friends and familys well being . ( After all, who cares for them better than me , right !! ? ) WIth that said . Ive always tried to be ” On top ” of things that can harm them without being ” scared ” to take action to do something to help it . WIth that said . I have serveral things here on this site that help everyone in this community, as well as I like you to make informed decisions for you and yours. This subject is no different .

My Personal experiences

I tend to be a bit ” hypersensitve ” to things in the environment , and my health can be tempermental due to that . This means, I do look for the healthiest ways to keep in check, while not being a paranoid freak haha. ( It happens to a lot of people ! ) I want to show you a few of my favorites for you to look over , they are all good, great even. And I use them regularly . Id like you to see what may work best for you and yours too . Watch the video below to see what I mean-

I love this product , and ive seen it do wonders . Wearable , touchable protection, that you can feel on day ONE . I almost didnt even believe it myself , other than the fact i saw it with my own eyes haha. This is such a Brilliant little thing , and the life is 10 years plus , so – its a great thing for helping us in our defense against the environment we are in. I have noticed less of the bad health complaints , and have noticed alot of improvements in over-all health and wellness. Its worth a look into , and if you give it a try, let me know what you think ! ( LOVE LOVE LOVE this ! )

What I like to call Consumable Wellness –

I have tried many things in my years , and not much has worked for me . Either it was too hard to count , or to complicated to track , mix, keep a supply, had not so great taste or effects . And lets not even get into RESULTS ! ( Ha , nearly zero results with other things- but these – not the case- these are amazing ) Id like to introduce you to Biohacking , clean products to help with your wellness desires . Theres something for everyone here – For Energy, sleep , clarity and focus , weight management, anti-aging – hair skin nails , libido ( yes i said it ! ) And I cant say enough about them, check them out here .

What I refer to as Healing Energy , Crystals and More

Here you can learn a bit more about different Energy ( Yes such as EMF , Humans and More ) And there are some really great, beneficial things for us- as HUMANS . One of my favorite things to do , is to go out into the grass , or the sand or any natural surface for what is called ” Grounding ” . Im a barefoot girl any time I can be , and there is good reasons ( you can see in a moment ) I also have some Bio type products , as well as crystals and such. Ive always been a rock and seashell collector- now I know WHY ! ( No its not some voodoo crazy far out there thing lol ) Theres proof to these too . Check it out here

Also- you can check out any of the Categorys on the left menu, From Health and Fitness, to Cooking Food and WIne , as well as any others that may float your boat ! Id love to hear what you liked while you were here so feel free to contact me . I hope this helped in giving you the information to make informed choices for you and yours .


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